Cryptocurrency, Market Research

Top Crypto Influencers On Twitter: From Tweets To Trends!

By Jay Dawson


Reviewed by: Jay Dawson

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Top Crypto Influencers On Twitter

X, previously known as Twitter is becoming a knowledge-sharing platform in the crypto ecosystem. The pioneers of the industry share their insights and update people on the latest trends in this platform. Here we have made the list of the top crypto influencers on Twitter. Start reading. 

➡️Balaji Srinivasan 

Balaji Srinivasan

Balaji Srinivasan is a techie, Silicon Valley investor, and an internet entrepreneur. He is the former Coinbase CTO and the co-founder of Counsyl. Previously, he was a general partner at Andreessen publication and he uses it to talk about tech, crypto, and more.

Through his tweets, you can find out about decentralization strategies and he also shares his analytical approaches towards cryptocurrencies. He also talks about blockchain, and tech, and helps you to improve your networking by sharing info on significant events and connecting with other crypto pioneers. 

➡️ Elon Musk

Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a tech billionaire and the CEO of Tesla Motors. He is the founder, chief engineer, and CEO of SpaceX, owner and chairman of X, and serves in many other positions. Musk greatly influences the market value of many cryptocurrencies, he tweets about the visionary and promising cryptos that have in the past immediately made them trending and hiked their value.

Previously, he has shared insights about Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and multiple other cryptos. Musk often reflects on his knowledge blend of tech, crypto, and innovation through his tweets. You can also get information about the latest market trends by following his tweets regularly. 

➡️ Erik Voorhees

Erik Voorhees

Erik Voorhees is the CEO of the crypto exchange ShapeShift. He is a crypto entrepreneur and a pioneer in the crypto and bitcoin space. He has around 659k readers and 4091 in readable. Voorhees shares his thoughts on Bitcoin, altcoins, and the fusion of finance and tech on his Twitter platform. You can get introduced to new perspectives in DeFi and deepen your knowledge about innovative potential changes that the cryptocurrency has gone through in the past decade.

➡️ Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik Buterin

Vitalik Buterin is the co-founder of Ethereum and a computer programmer. He also co-founded Bitcoin Magazine, one of the oldest and most genuine platforms that shares news on Bitcoin and other digital and cryptocurrencies.

You can follow him on Twitter to get updated on his thoughts on blockchain scalability and the growth and progress of Ethereum. Also, you can know about the potential smart contracts. Buterin shares info on the Ethereum 2.0 and other recent upgrades on the Ethereum network.

➡️ Roger Ver

Roger Ver

Roger Ver is a Bitcoin advocate and the first investor in Ripple, Kraken, BitPay, and more, he is often referred to as Bitcoin Jesus. Ver is an early investor in multiple cryptos including BCH (Bitcoin Cash). In his Twitter account, you can see his views on Bitcoin and other cryptos and the future of DeFi.

He provides information on all the latest happenings in the BCH ecosystem. Ver also conducts open discussions on his platform about the scalability and many more aspects of blockchain technology. 

➡️ cdixon.eth


Chris Dixon is a noted American investor and internet entrepreneur. His interests fields are programming, the internet, investing, startups, and more. He is the author of the book ‘Read Write Own: Building the Next Era of the Internet’, where he explores the potential of blockchain in exploring the Internet. He has more than 877.7 readers and 4332 reads.

Chris  Dixon shares investment ideas on growing blockchain projects and tech. His rich expertise in the venture capital industry is reflected in his tweets related to the recent trends in technology and the venture capital realm. 

➡️ Marc Andreessen

Marc Andreessen

Marc Andreessen is a techno-optimist and a venture capitalist. He is the co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capitalist firm in Silicon Valley. His Twitter profile has 1.3 million readers and 21.6 reads.

Marc Andreessen has vast experience in venture capital and shared the same on his Twitter platform you can also read blockchain-related insights in his account. He is someone who makes investments in blockchain and crypto-related projects. Andreessen shares the latest crypto news for his audience and you can stay up to date by regularly following his updates. 

The Bottom Line

Now you know all about the top crypto influences on Twitter, However, these are not all, there are many more individuals in this space. We hope this article was useful to you. It is wise to follow the crypto gurus so that you can stay informed, updated, and educated about the latest trends happening in the crypto ecosystem. 

Jay Dawson

Jay Dawson, a cryptocurrency expert based in Dallas, TX, is passionate about sharing knowledge on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, ensuring traders stay updated with the latest trends. His goal is to empower others with valuable insights into the dynamic crypto market.

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