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Revamping Apple Siri: Exploring The Future With Generative AI

By Eric George


Reviewed by: Eric George


Apple Siri

In the latest news, we are expecting a revamped version of Apple Siri. Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant makes calls, sets alarms, uses apps and more to get a new definition and is about to be powered by generative AI.

Apple Inc. is in a race to keep up with and even challenge its competitors in the AI era.

It was last December that Apple decided to revamp Siri in an attempt to revolutionise Siri with the potential of artificial intelligence. Currently, we have rumours that suggest we can expect the new Siri soon.

Rather than just mimicking ChatGPT and other leaders in the field, Apple may incorporate new and advanced features.

Generative AI-Powered Siri: New Features

The reports suggest that Siri may have all the classic features it currently has without any major changes in its way of functioning.

However, the tech giant is supposed to be having plans to make some new shifts in its design.

The virtual assistant may remain the same with maybe a few updates however generative AI will be integrated into it. Siri may remain your same old digital assistant but with more capabilities.

Apple is planning to redesign Siri with new potentials that AI has introduced to the market so that Apple users may not feel left out.

It has always been the core aim of the company to ensure that its users are getting a seamless experience.

Siri can be seen as getting a makeover where it will soon be able to chat with the users and provide them inputs rather than merely carrying out the instructions.

Siri may also be able to summarise texts and help the user to understand texts easily and quickly. Many of the users have reported concerns regarding the new revamp.

They want to know whether Siri will become another AI chatbot or whether they can still use it as a digital assistant.

The current rumours and the reports out there, hint that there is no place for such a concern.

It suggests that Apple does not intend to change the iconic features of Siri; rather, it may be an attempt to adapt the generative AI so that they do not fall behind in the latest AI revolution.

Apple Siri

Generative AI Integrated Siri: When Is The Launch?

As of now, we do not have an announced launch date or an official confirmation from Apple Inc.

However, from the insider reports, the company may be introducing their new Siri in WWDC set to happen in June.

Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) is an annual global event held by Apple. Often, in this event, the company introduced many new features, products and services to the community.

Since this year’s meeting is nearing, there are many speculations about the new announcements.

It is rumoured that Apple may launch an in-house AI chip at this event. Another rumour that is rippling in various user communities suggests the Siri AI revamp.

Other tech giants in the industry are leaping forward at a rapid rate. Recently, there has been speculation that Open AI is about to launch their AI-based search tool which has created quite a talk in the tech communities.

Since their ChatGPT succeeded in attaining global acceptance and popularity it seems that OpenAI is proceeding to further projects.

This news came in at a time when the I/O conference of Google was about to take place in the coming week.

The new AI search tool of OpenAI may have the potential to shake the throne of Google Search.

The reports regarding the AI revamped SIri come between this. However, we do not have any official statements or notices from Apple Inc., so far. When asked about this, a spokesperson declined to comment.

The Bottom Line

One this seems obvious that all the tech giants are fully geared up to run ahead in the AI race. They are not ready to give up their top rankings.

It can be said that we are to see a future with abundant tech, AI and innovative products and services. It may even perplex the users when they have to choose between all these.

Eric George

Eric George, a retired journalist, focused primarily on market research and current tech trends. With a career spanning news media, he made significant contributions to understanding the intersection of technology and finance. Today, he continues to engage with these topics in various capacities

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