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OpenAI Set To Unveil AI-Powered Search Product On May 13

By Eric George


Reviewed by: Eric George


OpenAI Set To Unveil AI-Powered Search Product

Tech and AI giant OpenAI is all set to launch its advanced AI-powered search product on the coming Monday, May 13. It seems that OpenAI is gearing up to take on Google Search, the world’s largest and most popular search engine.

OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, was one of the first forerunners who created an AI revolution that significantly impacted many of the global sectors. With the advent and wide acceptance that ChatGPT received, many other companies including Google and Microsoft launched their AI models. 

The news of OpenAI’s launch of its own AI search product was reported by Reuters and a couple of other major resources. There has been no previous fuss on the topic except the one-week-old Bloomberg report that suggested OpenAI may launch a search product sooner.

However, the dates were not disclosed or even discussed. The current reports we have suggest that the launch date of the OpenAI AI search product is not confirmed and it may change. 

About OpenAI’s New Search Product

It is evident from the reports that OpenAI has spent considerable time developing its AI-powered search tool. This product will not only take on Google but also the new Perplexity AI, another AI-based search engine that was developed and launched by a former OpenAI researcher.

The  Microsoft-backed OpenAI’s search feature venture is supposed to function in the following pattern:

  • The feature will search the whole web-based on your query. This search will be AI-powered. After running the search, it may provide referenced solutions from different online sources. 
  • The search tool will not be limited to texts. You may have the option to provide an image as the search query and you may be provided with the details and info related to the image. Also, your text-based search queries may be answered with images and videos. For instance, if you ask the search tool, ‘How to change a flat tire?’, you need a video to understand that, in most cases, and that will be fulfilled.

OpenAI vs Google, OpenAI vs Perplexity AI: What Are We About To Witness?

The tech watchdogs opine and it is transparently evident that two of the globe’s most prominent tech titans are about to start a challenging competition to gain the top 1 position. Other tech giants may also join this rat race.

OpenAI’s new AI search product comes at a time to coincide with the annual Google I/O Conference, and this year’s is supposed to take place next week. It was one of the most significant global events that the whole tech realm was looking forward to.

The related reports hinted at the launches of many new products by Google. OpenAI may be openly posing a challenge to Google by trying to launch a revolutionary product before Google’s product launch in an attempt to grab all the limelight.

Or it may also be a mere coincidence that these events came near to near. Since OpenAI has not announced its new product launch date, there are also chances that it may take place after Google’s global conference.

What Do Tech Communities Think?

‘Techies’ are the most excited community of people. Reportedly, many have noted that this race to become the world’s best and it will most definitely help the tech world to grow and progress at a rapid rate, that no one has not seen before.

These multinational companies have the potential and power to run the most advanced research and launch cutting-edge products. We may witness a seamless era where tech has taken up more aspects of the world. 

The Bottom Line

Researchers and data scientists think that OpenAI is making the right move at the right time. Because at least some had started to rethink the Google search and a few users even stated that they think it’s broken.

Also, it’s high time for Open AI to act fast to assert its dominance over the market, especially, in a time where all the leading competitors are upstarting many projects with the power of AI. One thing is sure, artificial intelligence has the potential to reshape the verse of tech and innovation and influence the whole of the global economy.

Eric George

Eric George, a retired journalist, focused primarily on market research and current tech trends. With a career spanning news media, he made significant contributions to understanding the intersection of technology and finance. Today, he continues to engage with these topics in various capacities

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