
Avery Ching: Meta To Aptos, A Journey Of Innovation

By Stephen Carter


Reviewed by: Stephen Carter


Avery Ching

Being a prominent figure in the technology industry Avery Ching is known for his innovative contributions to the field of software engineering.

Ching’s work has significantly influenced the network of data processing and digital finance. In this article, we will be exploring the life and career of Avery Ching.

Early Life

Avery Ching was born and raised in Honolulu, After attending Central Union Preschool, he attended Nuuanu Elementary School for less than a year before being sent to Punahou School in the midst of kindergarten, where he remained until the conclusion of high school.

After high school, he attended Northwestern University, Illinois to study computer engineering. To pursue his research interests in parallel computing, Ching joined graduate school at Northwestern University under Professor Alok Choudhary.

He secured his Ph.D in computing engineering on October 5th, 2007, and was officially graduated in December 2007.


At the start of his career, he was the overall tech lead for all of Meta’s batch processing teams including Spark, Graph processing (Apache Giraph), Facebook Hive/Hadoop (Corona), distributed scheduling, and the unified programming model for pipelines which was the underlying analytics for all of Meta’s products, scale to hundreds of thousands of machines, and provide experiences for billions of consumers.

He also was the lead of the crypto platform team at Meta aiming at all aspects of blockchain technology from wallet infrastructure to L1 blockchain development.

After leaving Meta, Ching and ex-Meta employee Mo Shaikh just like him, co-founded Aptos, a blockchain network that utilizes a new smart contract programming language called Move which is a rust-based programming language.

The Aptos aims to build a blockchain that provides mainstream adoption to web3 and allows an ecosystem of DApps to solve real-world user problems.

Aptos: Ching’s Innovation

Aptos was named after the Ohlone word meaning “the people,” which is also a nearby town in Palo Alto, CA, where the team is based and the name is meant to symbolize the ethos of Web3.

The Aptos team says that its network can process over 150,000 transactions per second, compared to the speed of Ethereum’s mainnet transactions per second which is around 12 to 15.

Move, a brand-new smart contract programming language that promises benefits above Solidity, an EVM-based language, is used in the development of Aptos.

This involves the private key being modified, easily verifiable blockchain commands, and Aptos’s modular architecture.

Avery Ching

Aptos did not launch its mainnet until October 2022, Before that the project launched a test net campaign called “Aptos Incentivized Testnet (AIT)” in May. The Testnet is comprised of four stages – AIT1, AIT2, AIT3, and AIT4.

The campaign aimed to invite and incentivize developers, node operators, and auditors to launch applications and stress-test the network before the mainnet launch.

Aptos went live with its mainnet launch on Oct. 18, 2022, making it the first blockchain to debut on Move technology.

The project has over 1,097,370,384 APT tokens in total supply with a trading volume of $242,469,497 in the last 24 hours. The coin is currently valued at $8.82 and is experiencing a rise over time.

Crypto analysts also claim that Aptos will be a credible future investment as well due to its demand and salient features.


Avery Ching’s remarkable journey through the technology and crypto industry has earned him notable recognition and honors. His contributions to the community through Aptos and Meta have paved the way to brighter and more advanced tech.

The concept he launched with aptos will make a significant impact with features and his team assures that it will revolutionize the digital finance market.

A wide range of collaborators and partners have tied up with Ching’s project due to its novelty and possible success. The project currently experiences a rise in the price charts as well as making a 65.39% increase in the trading volume in the last 24 hours.

Avery Ching has proved his way through the industry to be an influential and creative mastermind throughout his career.

His future plans with Aptos are still on the board. As an updated individual we can expect more advancements in his company providing better options for crypto trading. Keep updated to know more about Ching and his contributions.

Stephen Carter

Stephen Carter is a software technology expert. He writes about market research on various hot topics like cryptocurrencies, explaining how they started. He's good at making complicated tech ideas easy to understand for everyone.

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