
Killing Floor 3: All You Need To Know

By Deidra Hayes


Reviewed by: Deidra Hayes


Killing Floor 3

Killing Floor 3, a body-horror-inspired, zed-packed shooter, is coming to the Epic Games Store on March 25. The game is getting a closed beta next month. The developers have announced that the beta version will be available from Feb 20 to 24. Killing Floor 3 is a sequel to Killing Floor 2, which was launched in 2014. 

Players can pre-order now and access the exclusive Flatline Tactical Bundle that comes with a Flatliner weapon skin, a Special Action Force player card, and Fear the Reaper trinket. Pre-orders can be made on any platform. However, you can put them on a wishlist on Steam, the Microsoft Store, and the PlayStation Store. 

  • Initial Release Date: March 2025
  • Platforms: PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
  • Developer: Tripwire Interactive
  • Engine: Unreal Engine 5
  • Genre: Shooter Video Game
  • Publisher: Tripwire Interactive
  • Series: Killing Floor

Killing Floor 3 Gameplay

The game takes place in 2091, which is exactly 70 years after the event in Killing Floor 2. You will be entering the game with the rebel group Nightfall and fighting for humanity’s survival. The story revolves around the megacorp Horzine. You and your friends can decide whether to blast your way, thereby destroying your enemies. To know more about the gameplay, you can check out their trailer. Anyhow, a glimpse of the gameplay is given below:

The sequel stands out from the previous one with its provision for customization. Players can experience unique and personalized ZED-killing gameplay. Furthermore, the new version will have more dynamic enemies, a new addition of environmental traps, and advancements in player movement. 

Now, the players can dash, climb, and also implement new strategies to survive ZEDs. From the trailer, it is understood that three new playable Nightfall specialists possess unique sets of skills and abilities.

Killing Floor 3 Gameplay

Killing Floor 3 Trailer 

Killing Floor 3 trailer was released during the PC Gaming Show 2024. If you have watched the trailer, you might know the gameplay. The trailer shows a player who is traversing down hordes of mutants with a flurry of bullets. The clips also show explosions, flying drones, and so on. Furthermore, they have released the first look of new specimens, iconic ZEDs. The trailer looks quite promising, and all the favorite specimens are still there. Interestingly, the game has acquired a new look with new features and specimens. Hope this caters to the interest of all players.

Killing Floor 3 Characters

There are four main characters in this game, including Mr. Foster, Devlin, Imran, and Unknown Female Character. Mr. Foster is a DLC character who returns as a standard playable character. Initially made in the first game as part of the Nightfall Character Pack along with the three other characters, that includes Lee Baron, Security Officer Throne, and Mike Noble.

Apart from heroes or the main characters, there is a list of enemies in Killing Floor 3. The list includes Clot, Cyst, Crawler, Gorefast, Bloat, Siren, Husk, Scrake, and Fleshpound. Let’s get to know about each character;

Clot is the most common and basic of the specimens, which is also known as Alpha Clot. The next one is Cyst, the weakest and least dangerous enemy in the game. This character is a failed or incomplete version of the clot. Crawler is another character, popularly known as Zed. This character was attempted by Horzine to cross human genetics with those of an arachnid

Gorefest is an enemy characterized by rude, hairless, and skinless. Also, its jaw is missing, and a blade is coming out of its bisected right arm. Bloat is a large and wobbly specimen that has a special ability to vomit on you and other humans and cover your screen with vomit. Sirens are the common specimens that can bite players, or attack them with a sonic scream.

Husk is a specimen that is equipped with a powerful flame cannon. Another specimen is Scrake, which is the biggest threat outside of Bosses, along with the Fleshpound. The last one is Fleshpound, the most powerful specimen outside of the Bosses. Apart from these characters, there are two bosses, an Impaler and an Unknown Giant Crawler Boss. 

Available Platforms Of Killing Floor 3

Killing Floor 3 will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, and Microsoft Windows from March 2025. Most importantly, the game supports cross-play so that you can enjoy it with friends from multiple platforms. 

Also read: Fallout: New Vegas – Game Breakdown

Final Verdict

Killing Floor 3 building on its predecessors with the same iconic landscape and player-centric design. The game features a variety of options to engage and destroy enemies. Players can experience unique gameplay with customized options, impactful weapons, weapo mods, gadgets, and tools. The enhanced levels and skills will be truly a new experience for the players. Add Killing Floor 3 to your wish list now and enjoy it with your friends from March 2025. 

Deidra Hayes

Deidra Hayes is a gaming journalist with over 10 years of experience. She holds a Bachelor's in Interactive Media Design from Stanford University and has written for IGN and GameSpot. Deidra specializes in game reviews, industry analysis, and developer interviews. Her expertise spans multiple gaming platforms and genres.

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